Entrepreneurs, coaches, and influencers are making up to 107% more money working with me as their Copy Consultant, and it’s all backed by science!

Arrow pointing right

The solution to more sales is easier than you think, and right under your cute nose. All the cool kids (Obviously, the successful Entrepreneurs) figured it out, and they are using a copy specialist for the big-time conversions.

You know how all those big-shot CEOs, YouTube Influencers, Insta quessns, and
TikTok sensations like Tai Lopez, to
powerhouse women like Tiffany Carter
to the Gala Darlings, are crushing it? They got a secret weapon - Killer copy. And girl if it works for them, why not us, right?
Emulate the best, to be like the best.

Seriously, all the top players with those eye-popping 7 and 8-figure incomes share something in common for sure: awesome landing pages, engaging email newsletters that give value, and slick automation that make everyone feel right at home and a part of something bigger for them.

Sample page to book Calendly with YouTube >

Maybe you thought all you needed was ChatGPT to write your content until you found out that’s not enough in a world filled with people who stay ahead, study sales daily, and know and want to know more, about all the new automation out there. My version of if you build it they will come: Craft it with heart, and they will arrive and buy with smiles.

Sales page with Video, audio, links >

What I do
(and do well)

Helping my girls who are influencers, coaches, and entrepreneurs, target their audience’s attention for greater brand engagement, and conversions

Brand positioning for disruptive engagement

Redefine conversions through intuitive, market share, emails, landing pages, and funnels

Be liked, and trusted in your industry


Limited New Client Intake


Be liked, and trusted in your industry ✴︎ Limited New Client Intake ✴︎

Arrow pointing right

Stop the emails that sound like a sales pitch, it’s ICKY. I sell values, beliefs, and dreams, not services. See my Wordpress e-mail samples below.

And as queens, we’re going to turn those casual visits into real, meaningful connections that last. And guess what? I’ve got 101 tricks up my sleeve to keep them coming back for more, with little surprises that delight them long after they’ve made that first purchase.

Think of me as your golden nugget on this journey to your success, I’m on my journey right beside ya, and I’m just getting started.

Still want to know more on what I’m doing for others? I nerd out with, learning apps and AI. I nerd out on sales, and automation. You make more money with nerds.

Everyone’s Faves


Email marketing service

Ghostwriting content/posts

Landing page copy/creation


Copy Consultant

Giving and growing, Get advice on marketing strategies, creating copy, and building your automated sales cash machines.

Conversion optimization

SEO Optimization

Technical Optimization
Content optimization
Keyword research

SEO isn’t my expertise YET but I know a little somethin’ somethin’

Women Owned


Let's create together


Women Owned ✴︎ Let's create together ✴︎